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Save yourself with a comprehensive vehicle history report
Unlock the story behind vehicles from the US and Canada in Africa with a full history check.
Unlock the story behind vehicles from the US and Canada in Africa with a full history check.
Our Service
Curious about how to get your full vehicle history report for a vehicle in Africa? Check out our guide below!
Step 1
Enter your VIN
Enter your 17 Character VIN.

Step 2
Our Search
We search billions of sources, ensuring you get the most up-to-date vehicle information

Step 3
Register for a quick account
Get all your reports saved in one place and easily accessible at all times.

Step 4
Make Payment
Pay for the report, using our secure payment provider.

Step 5
Full Vehicle History
We display the full comprehensive vehicle report.

Step 6
Saved to Dashboard
The vehicle report is saved in your secure dashboard.